My Top Recommendations for Things to do in My Town

"My Top Recommendations for Things to do in My Town"
Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

Hello friends, I want to tell you about my hometown is the city of Sintang.
Before I lived in Pontianak, many stories that I have made in the hometown. There are so many, there is a happy, sad, cool, amazing, exciting and more. If you play to the town of Sintang, I recommend to you guys who like the photos to go to the front of the regent. Because there is a lovely courtyard garden, and plus there are views of the calm river. It's beautiful scenery. When I disintang I love to write essays, poems, letters and stories. That's where my story begins, my dreams are born. The place where I found friends, the experience, the love and the beauty of others. Now I have started a new story in Pontianak, I left my beloved mother in the town of Sintang. It's sad, liver flavor does not contain when I am away from home. But, there will be time for me to go back again to see him. Communication is not broken, because I pobud worried. I think of his health. That is, there are so many of my stories. Beloved school that will not be forgotten. And besides there are many places that I recommend to you like a Kelam hill, Keraton, Hutan Wisata and other travel again.Yupp ,, that's the place that I recommend to you if you want to play to my city. I hereby resign my friends, because there I had to do. (hihihi).. 
#My town#whitepaper


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